Fairfield Criminal Defense Attorneys
Prominent Criminal Defense Law Firm Serving Fairfield, CA
Are you facing charges? You must get a professional criminal defense lawyer on your side immediately. At Maas and Russo, we have a reputation for success in criminal court. We serve as defense counsel in a wide range of criminal charges, including sex crimes, theft crimes, violent crimes, DUI, weapon crimes and white collar crimes. Our legal team has extensive trial experience, and each of us is driven by a personal commitment to fight for any advantage for our clients. We like to win for those we represent. Are you facing heavy penalties, fines, and jail or prison time? Your life could be destroyed by a conviction. Many people have a first encounter with the criminal justice system in a DUI charge. State law heavily punishes DUI offenders, even in a first time misdemeanor offense. Others may have an existing criminal record, and are now facing charges for another crime, and if convicted will be hit with a heavier sentence.
Charged with a crime in Vallejo ? Call our firm now.
No matter what your legal situation, with a seasoned Vallejo criminal attorney on your side, you increase your chances for a positive outcome. Your case is unique, and should be reviewed immediately so that the right strategy is employed to help you fight back. Does your case include serious errors by law enforcement? If so, it may be possible to have the evidence against you suppressed. We must analyze every detail of regarding search and seizure, how you were apprehended, the evidence that led to your arrest, the arrest procedure and all of the other elements of your case. We have discovered that there are an astounding number of cases that have serious errors in procedure, and you can be confident that we will exploit any such error when crafting a case for your defense.
Exercise your right to remain silent, and your right to an attorney. Do not answer questions, even if you are completely innocent. You do not want to fall victim to interrogation techniques that could damage your case, inadvertently. Call our firm. We are prepared to move into immediate action for you.
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Our Client Success Stories
Recent Case Results
Dismissed Assault Weapon & Drug Possession Charges
Case Dimissed Assault With a Deadly Weapon Charge
Not Guilty Assault with Great Bodily Injury
Not Guilty Attempted Murder
Case Dismissed Attempted Murder Charges
Not guilty Charged with Intentional Discharge At An Occupied Motor Vehicle