“Three Strikes” Prosecutions in Solano County
In 1994, the state of California enacted the “Three Strikes and You’re Out” law, which enforces enhanced penalties for repeat criminal offenders. Other states have implemented similar laws, but California is one of the harshest in dealing with repeat offenders. For example, although the first two offenses must be serious or violent felonies to qualify under the Three Strike Law, your third strike may result from a third offense that is not a serious/violent felony.
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What is the Three Strike Law in California?
According to California Three Strike Law, specific serious or violent felony offenses will result in a “strike” on one’s record. A defendant will face double the penalties for a second strike and may face a lifetime in prison without the possibility of parole for a third strike. While other states require that the third strike be a serious/violent felony, California law does not include this requirement.
Strikes are based upon charges, not cases. What this means is that a defendant may receive multiple strikes from one criminal case against him or her. An example would be a person convicted of robbery and aggravated assault, from one incident. He or she may receive two strikes from a conviction at the conclusion of that criminal case.
Talk to Our Criminal Defense Lawyers in Vallejo, CA Today
The Solano County criminal defense lawyers at Maas and Russo can help you if you are facing a third strike. We are highly experienced and take pride in providing only the best quality legal representation to clients facing the most serious of criminal charges throughout Solano County and Napa County in California.
With decades of practice, we have successfully represented thousands of clients in all types of criminal offenses. If you want to have a skilled defense lawyer on your side through the entire criminal process, you have come to the right place.
Now more than ever is when you will need aggressive representation by our skilled attorneys in order to avoid a life in prison. Contact us!

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