Solano County Sexual Battery Attorneys
Defending Against Sex Crime Allegations in Vallejo, California
Have you been accused of sexual battery? This is a serious sex offense that may result in imprisonment, sex offender registration, fines and more. You need to act quickly and discuss your case with an experienced criminal defense attorney in your area.
At Maas and Russo, our Solano County criminal defense attorneys represent clients in California from our offices in Vallejo. We have been in practice for over twenty years and are dedicated exclusively to criminal defense representation. If you or someone you know has been accused of sexual battery, you will need experienced attorneys on your side; that is what we at Maas and Russo provide.
What Is Sexual Battery?
Sexual battery involves touching the intimate parts of another person against their will or without their consent. Sexual battery may occur in a number of circumstances:
- The victim is restrained
- The victim is unconscious and is therefore unable to resist
- The victim is institutionalized for medical treatment
- The victim is deceived into thinking the touching is for the purpose of medical diagnosis, care or treatment
- The victim is seriously disabled and cannot resist
- The victim is mentally disabled and cannot give his or her consent
Penalties for Sexual Battery in CA
Depending upon the circumstances, sexual battery may be a misdemeanor or a felony offense. Simple sexual battery involves touching another against his or her will, and this is a misdemeanor offense, punishable by up to 6 or 12 months in jail as well as fines. Battery involving violence, threats or the use of a position of authority may constitute a felony sexual battery charge and therefore imprisonment in state prison for an extended term.
Work with Our Experienced Vallejo Sexual Battery Defense Lawyers
Much is at stake if you are facing sexual battery charges. At Maas and Russo, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the aggressive legal representation they need to turn this situation around and help them face a brighter future – one free from a sex crime conviction and sex offender registration.
Contact the Solano County criminal defense lawyers at our firm for a free confidential consultation.

Our Client Success Stories
Recent Case Results
Dismissed Assault Weapon & Drug Possession Charges
Case Dimissed Assault With a Deadly Weapon Charge
Not Guilty Assault with Great Bodily Injury
Not Guilty Attempted Murder
Case Dismissed Attempted Murder Charges
Not guilty Charged with Intentional Discharge At An Occupied Motor Vehicle