Solano County Child Abuse Attorneys
Qualified Child Abuse Lawyers in Vallejo , CA
Among criminal accusations, child abuse is not only one of the hardest crimes to defend, but it is also one of the most hated criminal acts. That means that anyone accused or convicted of child abuse will receive intense hostility from their peers, their family, the courtroom and even from others while in prison.
False accusations are made and credited far too often, leaving innocent people to suffer at the hands of society. Therefore, fighting a child abuse accusation not only means defending against the potential legal penalties but also the loss of your reputation and dignity. Even if the accusations are false, you will need someone to protect your rights and your future. You can begin by protecting your Fifth Amendment right to remain silent.
Get the help you need by contacting our Solano County child abuse lawyers today in a FREE consultation.
What Constitutes Child Abuse?
Child abuse is intentionally inflicting physical harm to a child. It can involve sexual activity and/or physical harm. Even threatening a child can be tried as child abuse in court. Call our firm to get more information on child abuse cases in California!
A child abuse accusation is one of the easiest to invent or falsify and is yet one of the hardest crimes to defend. An accident may lead to allegations of physical abuse. An observation of an innocent action may be misconstrued, leading to sexual abuse charges.
Is it illegal to slap your child in the face in California?
Although it is illegal to inflict physical injury or cruelty on a child, all parents in California have a right to impose reasonable physical discipline on their own children. The offense may be filed as a misdemeanor or a felony, and is punishable by up to 6 years in jail or prison. Often, prosecutors will charge defendants where the physical discipline was forceful enough to leave a mark.
An ex-spouse may persuade a child to make false accusations against you, or a child may make up a story of abuse for reasons of:
- Anger
- Jealousy
- Revenge
Because there is so much pressure to stop actual child abuse, it is likely that child protective services and law enforcement will become involved even due to a single accusation by one person.
There are a number of different forms of child abuse that can constitute a criminal charge. The abundance of different charges may be an explanation for how easily one's actions can be misconstrued for criminal behavior, especially if the accuser has a prejudice.
For example, an accident may have led to a child’s injuries, but this may be misinterpreted as abuse. Or, a child may even invent a story of abuse on the urging of the other parent or for reasons of anger, jealousy or revenge. No matter the particulars of your case, the attorneys at Maas and Russo can thoroughly review your charges and determine how to approach your defense.
While the most common idea of child abuse that comes to mind when we hear that term is of a physical or sexual nature, emotional abuse may also be considered a criminal offense with the right evidence.
Other forms of child abuse that may lead to a criminal conviction include:
- Child exploitation
- Threats made against children
- Child neglect by a guardian or parent
Child abuse is a criminal charge taken very seriously in the state of California. You could face long-term imprisonment, probation, fines, community service and may even have to register as a sex offender. Get the help you deserve by calling the Solano County child abuse defense lawyers at our office today!
Accused of Child Abuse? Our Solano County Criminal Lawyers Can Help
Your reputation and your freedom are on the line if you are facing child abuse charges. Fortunately, our Solano County defense lawyers at Maas and Russo can help if you have been accused of child abuse in Solano County or Napa County County, California. Our firm is devoted to criminal defense, and we have been in practice for decades. With extensive knowledge and experience in the field of child abuse defense in particular, our lawyers have what it takes to be effective.
Child abuse is one of the most serious offenses that one may be accused of, and it happens all too often that an arrest is made, or a guilty verdict is reached, following false or invented accusations. But with the help of the right defense attorney, you can avoid being found guilty for a crime you did not commit. You can protect your reputation and your future by hiring an experienced Solano County child abuse defense lawyer who can provide you with the aggressive legal representation you need.
Contact the Solano County child abuse attorneys at Maas and Russo today!

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